Tag: Too Rich To Be Broke

Too Rich To Be Broke

Too Rich To Be Broke

. What does it mean to be rich? How can I stop being broke and being in debt? What does the Bible state about work and managing my Finances? . To be RICH means to be living the life that God has called us to. To be BROKE means scarcity . . . which prevents … Continue reading Too Rich To Be Broke

Renewing Your Financial Mind

Renewing Your Financial Mind

"Don't copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.  Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect His will really is."  (Rom. 12:2 NLT) It is important that … Continue reading Renewing Your Financial Mind

Telling Your Money Where To Go

Telling Your Money Where To Go

"Wise people live in wealth and luxury, but stupid people spend their money as fast as they get it."  (Prov. 21:20 GNT) 1. The Purpose Of Wealth Is the money we have really ours to use as we see fit? Answer: All money comes from God and we are blessed to be a blessing. (Read: Deut 8:18) . 2. … Continue reading Telling Your Money Where To Go

Slaying The Debt Giant

Slaying The Debt Giant

"Poor people are slaves of the rich. Borrow money and you are the lender's slave."  (Prov. 22:7 GNT) 1. Debt In Scripture Debt is money that one person is obligated to pay another. What Does The Scripture Say About Debt? Debt is slavery.  (Read: Prov 22:7) Debt was considered a curse.  (Read: Deut 28:1 - 2 ,12) . 2. When Is Borrowing … Continue reading Slaying The Debt Giant

Maximizing Your Assets

Maximizing Your Assets

"The ants are not strong folk, but they prepare their food in the summer."  (Prov. 30:25) 1. The Importance Of Saving And Investing Saving is making provision for tomorrow. God encourages saving and investing. (Read: Matt 25:14-30 ; Luke 19:11-27) . Three Simple But Important Things: Pay yourself second,  God first. . Establish a "Rainy Day" Fund. Nb. This is a fund with approx. 3 to … Continue reading Maximizing Your Assets

The Best Investment You’ll Ever Make!

The Best Investment You’ll Ever Make!

"It is more blessed to give than to receive."    (Acts 20:35) 1. Reasons Why We Should Give One of the greatest ways of investing our money is in giving to others. Giving draws our hearts toward Christ.  (Read: Matt 6:21) Giving breaks the power of selfishness. Giving allows us to invest for eternity.  (Read: Matt 6:20) Giving produces a material increase to the giver.  (Read: Luke 6:38) … Continue reading The Best Investment You’ll Ever Make!